New paper on scattering theory

We are excited to announce that Mats and Adam published an article with Karl Michael Ziems and Stefanie Gräfe from the University of Jena in The Journal of Chemical Physics. Karl Michael, a former PhD student in the Gräfe group, visited us for three months in 2022 and has collaborated closely with Mats since then.

Using a model system (an analogue of H3+), they show how Compton ionisation contributes to the ultrafast x-ray scattering signal that arises from electron dynamics. This works helps us understand the various contributions to scattering, neatly separating the inelastic scattering into two different phenomena - scattering which leaves all electrons still attached to the system (bound inelastic scattering), and scattering which detaches an electron from the system (Compton ionisation).  The work clearly shows that both contributions must be included in a full simulation of the signal.

You can find the article here.

044108 1 5 0156363 figures online f3